Pearl-Moti (Moon Gemstone)
Pearl (Moti) is the gemstone of
Moon (Chandra) planet. Moon is the closet planet to earth. It affects the human life to the core.
Moon signifies happiness:
The Moon rules our looks, emotions and our mental health. Well placed Moons tend to promote happiness, social and physical attractiveness, and this can often lead to greater accomplishments. A happy person will often integrate well with others and this can lead to success in life. By contrast, badly placed Moons will often introduce a measure of anxiety, depression, or hardship.
Pearl wearing benefits:
Pearl or Moti increases inner beauty, facial shine and charm. Pearl or Moti is the astrological gem related to the Moon, which represents the psyche in man, decision aware and insensible depths. It is related with the mother and childhood. Wearing a Pearl or Moti of at least 7 carats brings fortune, appreciation and fame to its wearer. Signs of well-placed Pearl gemstone Emotions under control, balanced emotional life, the native will have good affluence, good fortune, recognition and fame and Good memory. It helps beneficial to any disease like Eye diseases, madness, paralysis, hysteria, epilepsy, cold, cough, Throat troubles, asthma, bronchitis, varicose loins, nervous debility, cancer, typhoid, Colic pains, worms, intestinal disorders, tumorsand peritonitis. Pearl or Moti is very useful for ladies as it increases their facial luster, thus enhancing their beauty and will keep them ever young.
Moon effects most:
The moon is the closest to the earth; therefore astrology considers its influence the most deeper than any other planet. The effect of the moon is very personal and intimate in a person life. Just as the sun provides the spirit of a person, the moon is said to be responsible for his emotional balances and mana as the ancient scholars preach. The moon indicates the type of relationship we have with people and family members. It also tells us of our ancestral inheritance and is responsible for our memory. The moon connects our mood with our spirit according to astrology. The moon is said to rule over the mother and the nurturer. People who do not believe astrology and the effects planets on human lives must read the following lines.
Astrology true science:
Moon controls all the fluids in the human body which largely consists of fluids. Moon has cycle of 28 days. Therefore controls the mesuration cycles of females. Moon controls the tides of all the oceans. The low and high tides follow the moon's Cycle of 28 days that is 14 days high tides and 14 days low tides. Full moon has very great importance in the ancient scriptures of Vedic Astrology. This happens once in every month and it is called Poornima in Vedic astrology. each month it has different name for the Poornima. On this day Moon is very powerful as both the illuminaries sun and moon are opposite to each other. This day is very auspicious for prayers and meditation.
Moon cycles:
Moon is called waxing moon when it is moving toward the full moon and it is a very powerful side of moon. It is called waning moon when it is moving towards the Amavasya the dark night after the full moon. It is slowly waning and loosing it';s influence during those days. That is why it effects the high and low tides of all the oceans.
General Characteristics Of Moon:
Mother, Mind, Emotion, Water/Fluids, Pearl, White colour, Flowers, North West.
General Characterstics of Pearl (Moti) |
Hindi Name |
Moti |
Planet |
Moon |
Day |
Monday |
Cosmic Color |
White |
Rashi(Sign) |
Cancer (Karka) |
Ring Wearing Finger |
Little |
Metal |
Silver |
Direction |
North-West |
Procedure Of Wearing Pearl (Moti):
- Minimum weight of pearl should be 7-8 Ratti(1200-1400 mg).
- Pearl should be wear in little finger of working hand.
- Pearl must touch your fingure skin.
- Dip the ring into gangajal or cow milk at least 10 min before wearing.
- Wear ring on Monday during the ascending moon cycle(Shukal paksha) near sunrise time.
- Recite "OM CHANDRAYA NAMAH" mantra while wearing the ring.
- Pearl ring should be cleaned regularly using Soapy water or soft brush as dust deposited at the bottom of the stone reducing the gemstone jyotish effects.
Queries / Comments: 24
1. Aditya Agarwal [17-11-2018]
I am wearing emarald in right hand small finger.can i wear pearl in left hand small working hand is right.please tell
2. Hemanth Kumar G [06-07-2018]
how many carat south sea pearl should i have to purchase for little finger
Wearing pearl ring , is it beneficial for business ??
astrologer gave me to wear south sea paerl 7.25 ratti to wear in little finger left hand ...its very it true that 7.25 ratti south sea pearlis so small ?????
Can my son 12 years old wear 7 ratti moti.any side effects if he wear more then his body weight.
6. Lakshmi Narayan Sharma [28-05-2017]
I need to wear jarkan for astrlogical benefits
I got a pair of Fresh water pearl earnings from Germany,Does earnings also benefit the wearer life finger rings?
8. Parth Mehta [02-04-2017]
I have purchased a 3CT Chandra moti ki silver ring and the question is about wearing the ring on the sunday night, this is my first time wearing a moti ring and I wish to have a perfect experience.
9. Shreyansh Komati [08-03-2017]
Moti ring Which finger to suggest
10. Rupesh Naik [06-03-2017]
My name isRupesh I want to ask about which one right germ stone for me
11. Manoj Sahu [30-01-2017]
Sir on which finger i ll use pearl stone, one astrolger after sieng my horoscope suggest me to wear at middile finger..
From where i ll get original pearl stone of 8to 10 rati
12. Joymalya Ghosh [08-01-2017]
Dear sir,
So many astrologers advised that Aquarius ascendant person should not wear pearl,because moon is the lord of 6th house.
Astrological science telling us,moon is controlling our mind and fluids.
If a person born with super Malefic moon then what should he do?
Awaiting for your reply.
Thanks a lot.
[email protected]
Hello Sir, My brother Suresh is Kumbha Rashi, He is trying for job from many years but he didn't get it, so guru said to wear moti (pearl) which is job giver. So on which finger he should were it fir the betterment.
14. Drishti Rai [26-07-2016]
I am a right handed person n my astro charts says that i should wear a pearl since my right hand little finger is operated i hav problem in wearing the ring...can i wear a pendeant of pearl n half moon...suggestion required
15. Rituja Pawar [29-06-2016]
hello Sir,
i weared the ring on tuesday as i was told by brahmin........early in the morning is it right.....!!!
16. Om Narayan Singh [22-11-2015]
My zodic sign is Taurus may I wear pearl
I am rishi I want to know that can I wear a moti. If
What are the benefits of wearing d.o.b- 04-10-1980
place is jharkhand and time:30 evening.
18. Yogesh Agrawal [19-07-2015]
My 24 year old son, Aditya Agrawal is suffering from some mental
problem. Born on 08/05/1991 at 5.41 am at Dehradun. Panditji asked to
wear white pearl in little finger and moonga in finger near to little
finger right hand(right hander). whether it will be useful for him to
improve his mental health.
19. INDRANI CHATTERJEE [27-02-2015]
i have moon problem. i wear a pearl may be 7 carat. my birthday is 6th
july,1983(serampore)i want to know the present situation of moon..
20. Abhishek Jaiswal [13-01-2014]
Sir can I wear exact 7 ratti of pearl. Is there any harm full effect of wearing exact 7 ratti .Please do reply
i m cancer rashi can i m wearing 5 carat pearl its ok or i hav to take 7 karat.
Hi, I am looking for Moti for my younger brother. He is not keeping well. So.
And also for my father, who gets angry very soon. And now a days his business is also not giving him good returns. So please help me which Moti to buy and what would be the cost for same.
I am glad that I bought the pearl from you. It was the best deal
24. Priyanka [09-09-2010]
Hello Sir,
I want a Natural 4.84 Carat Genuine Premium Quality White Opal with Excellent Fire On it.Plz Tell me the Price and Also the Image of the Gem if Possible.