Why choose us

Certification: Gemstones are shipped with original lab certificate, 100% guarantee of certificate provided by us.

Lowest possible price: We keep our lowest possible price by reducing physical shops and advertisement expenditure. We believe in slow and steady growth through 'word of mouth' rather than spending lakhs of rupees in advertisements. So our gemstones are affordable to common people. Some of our customers asks us, Why your prices are very low compared to market. Actually we have some ethics, humanity and moreover we have to answer GOD sometimes in life. We work for social cause, gemstones are medicine for body and souls.

Service Transparency: We believe in absolute transparency in our business, so provide pictures of each gemstone with certificate. Heerejawharat.com also has a transparent Returns and Replacement Policy to further instill confidence in our customers. We don't claim any unauthenticated things about the gemstones. We believe in complete customer satisfaction.

Free Shipping: Shipping in india is free for all gemstones.

Happy customers: All of our customers are happy and recommend us to friends/ relatives.

Social cause and spread astrology: Without medicines medical science is useless, in same way Without gemstones astrology is meaningless. But due to excessive margin and unfair business, needy people not getting quality gemstones (medicine) at affordable price. So we are here to provide you quality gemstones at lowest possible price, none can provide even half quality gemstone at our price.

7 Days 100% money back guarantee for Indian customer's.